Front end for wais

Using the index "/usr/local/www/idx/RESEARCH.src"

This is an index of some of the information on this server. To use this function, simply enter a query. Since this is a WAIS index, you can enter complex queries. For example:

Right-hand truncation (stemming) queries
The query 'astro*' will find documents containing the words 'astronomy' as well as 'astrophysics'.

Boolean 'And' queries
The query 'red and blue' will find the intersection of all the documents containing the words 'red', and 'blue'.The use of 'and' limits your retrieval.

Boolean 'Or' queries
The query 'red or blue' will find the union of all the documents containing the words 'red' and 'blue'.The use of 'or' increases your retrieval.

Boolean 'Not' queries
The query 'red not green' will find all the documents containing the word 'red', and excluding the documents containing the word 'green'.The use of 'not' limits your retrieval.

Nested Boolean queries
The query '(red and green) or blue not pink' will find the union of all the documents containing the words 'red', and 'green'. It will then add (union) all documents containing the word 'blue'. Finally, it will exclude all documents containing the word 'pink'